Amadeus : From traditional IT to Cloud, evolution of enterprise network design

40 participants et 2 intéressés


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Who is Amadeus ?

We provide solutions from the initial search to making a booking, from pricing to ticketing, from managing reservations to coordinating the check-in and departure processes. Amadeus connects key players in the travel industry: travel agencies, corporations, airlines, airports, hotels, railways and more. We give those companies the tools to serve travelers better and manage their own business more effectively.

About the thematic ...

Amadeus has started operating during the 90s’ based on mainframes and associated network components which were the top-notch technologies at that time. This successfully led to the generation of the first airline bookings entirely processed by the new European GDS (Global Distribution System)!

The company quickly became a major player in the travel industry worldwide and has always undertaken massive technical migrations of the infrastructure to sustain product evolution including Unix Super Computer, Linux Pizza boxes.. the network evolution has also been key to ensure proper service distribution to the various customers, with Internet introduction but also via other technologies including GWAN. 1+M TPS have even been reached!
 The “Cloud” is becoming the corner stone of many big IT companies worldwide. Which benefit a company can expect from the Cloud? How do we proceed to move to the Cloud ? The illustration of those various steps in Amadeus history will guide us naturally to understand together the challenges brought by the adoption of this virtual infrastructure and its impact from a network connectivity perspective.

About the speaker ...

Daniel Levy,  Senior Expert Network and Communication Systems

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Apéro en ligne n°10 - Transition écologique : L’éco-conception des produits, levier d’une consommation durable ?




5 à 7 à Montréal

Hôtel Monville